Summer Term Introduction
Wow, we can’t believe it’s nearly the end of the Reception year! We are spending more time outside as the weather improves and we are looking forward to all of the exciting things we have planned in the last few weeks of Reception.
This term we have been looking at growing starting off with the traditional tale of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children enjoyed writing their own versions of the story, creating castles and ginormous giants!
We looked at non-fiction texts around Spring, exploring the changes that we could see in our environment. We made Spring cards using watercolours and inspiration from the blossoming trees around us.
We have then had a recycling focus where we have read books like ‘Meesha Makes Friends’ and ‘On Sudden Hill’ where the children are encouraged to use their crafting skills to create new objects out of recycled materials. It has been wonderful to see the children’s imagination flourish.
In Maths we looked at measuring length and time. This was a great excuse to revisit our height chart we made at the start of the year, and compare to our heights now. We have grown a lot! We also explored using non standard measurements by measuring objects using uni-fix cubes.
We have looked at part-whole models and how we can partition (break up) numbers into different amounts, e.g. 5 and 1 or 3 and 3, or 4 and 2 makes 6.
Understanding of the World
Caterpillars have visited Reception. The children have loved learning about their life cycle and checking in on their progress. We have even just had our first butterfly!
We have been spending more time in the garden learning about growing and planting seeds.
We had a visit from Mr Button from Guernsey Recycling to talk to us about recycling and how to help the environment. We made posters encouraging others how to recycle and why it’s important.
We have held a few Stay and Plays for our Reception parents this term revolving around our Language for Literacy focus on developing children’s language skills and phonemic awareness. It has been wonderful to see so many parents attend these sessions and engage in the activities with their children.
As fueled by our creative literacy texts, we had a wonderful trip to Art for Guernsey where we had time to look at the wonderful seascape paintings in the gallery and also have a sculpture workshop where we used recycled materials to create flowers for a display in the gallery. We had a wonderful time and learnt a lot!
We celebrated Liberation Day by making Gache and sharing it with parents after the sponsored swim. It was wonderful to see so many parents and children using our outdoor space.
Spring Introduction
We have had a busy few months in Reception! We have had two stay and play events where it’s been wonderful to see the children excited to show their parents and carers their learning environment.
This term we have been looking at People Who Help Us and texts about Space.
We first looked at the text ‘Ruby’s Worry’, where we spoke about who to turn to if we need help. We even wrote our own versions of the story! With the theme of People Who Help Us, we then read ‘Superhero Like You’ and spoke about the people all around us that help us in life, e.g. doctors, shop workers, fire fighters, teachers etc.
We then moved onto space for the past two weeks of the term and loved learning fun facts about meteor showers and reading the texts ‘Look up’ and ‘Astro Girl’.
As our phonics is progressing, we have been developing our independent writing skills, making labels, books and signs with a purpose.
In Maths we have been focusing on subitising numbers to 10. This means being able to recognise an amount without needing to count it. This has involved showing amounts on our fingers and noticing what two numbers can go together to make another, e.g. 5 and 3 make 8!
We have also looked at 2D and 3D shapes, singing some fun shape songs to help us learn the names of these. We’ve been on fun shape hunts around the environment too, to see if we can spot shapes like circles, rectangles, triangles, spheres, cuboids, cylinders and cubes. |
Understanding of the World
Now that we are approaching spring, we are excited to spot new growth and also plant some fruit, vegetables and herbs in our garden. Due to a few very cold days this term, we’ve had the joy of having ice in the playground. We have loved exploring this further by filling up various containers with water and objects to see if they then freeze overnight.
In PE we have completed a series of yoga sessions, working on our balance and core strength. After Christmas we have been focusing on our fundamental movements. This includes skills like rolling and navigating the space by moving in different ways.
In art, we explored Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’, and created copies by printing with paint.
We also had a visit from Mr James who spoke to us all about the roads and how to stay safe as a pedestrian.
Autumn Term
The children have had a wonderful start to school, exploring the environment and forming relationships with other children and adults. We held our first stay and play session which the children took pride in and were incredibly excited to share their environment and learning with their families.
The first book we explored this term was ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson. This was an exciting start to our Literacy learning as we had a visit from the ‘Fine Prize Cow’ who stayed at school with us for two weeks! We then looked at ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen, which made us very excited to hunt for bears and orally retell the story. Finally, we have been reading selected poems from ‘A Great Big Cuddle’ by Michael Rosen where we have been refining our listening skills looking out for rhyming words, even making up some of our own silly rhymes!
In phonics, we have been learning GPCs and are starting to read some CVC words independently. The children are so excited by this and are eager to learn a new GPC each day.
In Maths we have been exploring matching and sorting amounts into groups. We have been playing lots of matching games to support our learning. Through this, we also explored characteristics of objects and found different ways to sort them. We then looked at following and creating patterns. The children have been spotting patterns in their environments and making up their own, including ones with sound and movement. Next, we will be learning about the composition of the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Understanding of the World
This term we have been spending lots of time in our outdoor area, exploring the changing colours of the trees and noticing changes as the weather gets colder. We have been making trips to the Reception garden, where we picked some sunflowers and dissected the seeds from them. We have also been clearing our flower beds ready for planting new bulbs. Linking with our Literacy topics of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, we have been making maps of our environments and following them to find what surprise is hidden at the end. We have been practising following instructions to make playdough independently, as well as making bread. This was an experience that the children absolutely loved as they were able to taste the end product!
Other curriculum areas
In RE we have been learning the story of Noah’s Ark. The children have loved singing songs about the animals and have been making Noah’s Ark using the blocks in the construction area.
In music we have had an exciting time exploring rhythm and patterns. The children have even learnt a few body percussion movements!
In Art we have explored mark making, expanding this to look at self-portraits and observational drawings of objects in our environments. As we develop our motor skills, we are looking forward to seeing the progression in our artwork.
In Design and Technology we have been focusing on ‘junk modelling’, where the children have been using cardboard boxes, plastic bottles etc. to aid their imagination, creating boats, handbags, robots and lots of other amazing things!
In PE we have been playing listening games, like Granny’s Footsteps. We have been developing our gross motor skills during our daily outdoor session where the children access bikes, trikes and the climbing equipment.