Food in School
Drinking Water
All children must bring a named, full water bottle to school with them everyday. We have chilled and filtered water stations throughout the building where children can refill their bottles during the day. Drinking plenty of water, regularly throughout the day, is very important for children’s brain development and helps to maintain focus and concentration ensuring high quality learning outcomes. Children may have fruit juice in their lunch boxes to drink with their lunch.
Breakfast Club
We run a breakfast club which is open to all children within school. The children have a choice of cereal, toast, fruit, water and in the winter months, porridge. There are limited places available. If there is not enough space, your child’s name will be placed on a waiting list.
The cost at the present time is £2.00 a day. Parents and carers are invoiced at the end of every half term and payment can be made in cash, by cheque or by bank transfer. We respectfully ask for payment within 2 weeks. Please talk to the office staff if you are interested in finding out more.
During morning playtime all children are asked to bring a fruit or vegetable snack to eat. KS1 children may eat their fruit while listening to a story in their classrooms before going out to play and KS2 children generally take their fruit outside to eat in the playground. Please note we do not allow children to eat other items from their lunch boxes at playtime, and items such as biscuits and crisps are not allowed outside.
School fruit is available for any child who does not have a piece of fruit of their own. This fruit is donated to the school each week by Les Cotils.
Lunchtimes are an opportunity for children to enjoy eating their lunch and playing with their friends. We encourage children to use appropriate table manners and to look after their own belongings, making sure they tidy up after themselves and take their rubbish home.
As a Guernsey Healthy School, we actively promote healthy eating. We do not allow children to drink fizzy drinks or eat sweets including chocolate bars e.g Mars, Galaxy etc at lunchtimes. If your child brings these to school, we will ask them to take them home. Small biscuit type bars such as a 2-finger Kit Kat, Penguin, Club, Breakaway etc are acceptable.
The Headteacher reserves the right to request that any child who is struggling to cope at lunchtimes, goes home for lunch.
Provision can be made for Reception children to stay at school for lunch. However, we prefer Reception children to go home for lunch, certainly in the first few weeks to ease their transition into school and to maintain the parental contact which is so important at this early stage. If staying at school for lunch, Reception, Y1 and Y2 children eat in the hall during the first half of the lunch hour, they are then able to go and play in the playground. All KS2 children play outside first, then come in at 12.30 and have lunch in their classrooms. All children are supervised both inside when eating and outside playing by the team of staff members on duty each day.
Going Home for Lunch
A lunch register is taken every morning so that we are clear which children are going home for lunch each day. Children will only be allowed out at lunchtime with a parent and they must be collected from and signed in and out at the main school office.
Please note that due to allergies, we do not allow any birthday cakes, sweets or other food to be given out to classes in school or after school.
Foods containing nuts must not be brought to school, this includes products such as Nutella spread. We have a number of children with severe nut allergies and we ask for your cooperation in this matter to ensure that we keep all children safe.