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Year 5

Spring term - Literacy

Y5 read two classics; Charlotte's Web and The Adventures of Odysseus.

Charlotte's Web allowed the children to think about how the different animals interacted on the farm and what would have happened if a new animal had arrived. Based on the exploits of Wilbur, the children created their own unpleasant new arrival who, through a series of accidents and mishaps, became a friend to all the other animals in the barn.


The Adventures of Odysseus was a far more serious affair but it allowed the children to compose letters, create playscripts and create their own island for Odysseus and his crew to discover. As they learnt how Odysseus changed over his journey, the children forced Odysseus to make some poor choices on their islands. He was punished but learnt from his mistakes.

Spring Term - Maths

Children have learnt a wide range of topics ranging from number sequences, perimeter, data handling and a review of fractions, interspersed with work on the four operations.

Children have continued to use their place value skills in creating concrete images of the numbers they are manipulating. Place value counters were very useful when division skills were being practised!

Accurate measurement was needed when perimeter was studied. Children initially used rectangles drawn onto square paper before they used rectilinear shapes, some rather complex. ICT was very useful when collecting data from the class. The children created their own google forms to collect data and then generated charts and graphs to interpret the data more easily. Key terms such as the mode and the range of the data were introduced.


Spring Term - Science

Budding astronomers were amazed at the relative sizes of the planets when the class studied Earth Sun and the Moon. By using playdough and some rather complicated instructions, all eight planets were made, each correct in terms of relative size. Once they were placed the correct relative distance apart, children had a slightly better understanding of the immensity of our solar system.

Phases of the moon were also studied, with the advantage of there being a full moon at the time. To complete the unit, children created a double page spread of all the work that they had covered over the course of the three weeks.

Spring Term - Other Curriculum Areas

In History, the class has studied how monarchies have changed over time. Starting with William the Conqueror, the children saw how autocratic he was and how he held absolute power in England. This was contrasted with the reign of Queen Victoria who, she although ruled over a greater amount of territory, had less real power. 

In Geography, biomes accross the world were studied with children learning about the plants and animals that live in them as well as where they are located. A specific study of the countries of Europe, North America and South America was undertaken.

The class has continued to develop their sporting skills, taking part in badminton and hockey under the excellent coaching of the sports development officers.  Children have enjoyed our Art topics which was taking some art from famous artists such as Banksy and Magdalene Udogo, and adapting it.

Autumn term - Literacy

This term, Year 5 have revised basic grammar skills and created a 5 part narrative based on a film clip of an adventure. Children revised punctuation, connectives and the use of challenging vocabulary to interest the reader and keep suspense high. After reading Tuesday, a book by David Wiesner, writing focussed on police style reports which were then developed into a newspaper report oabout a plague of pests at the school. Later this term, children will be identifying the features of biographies and autobiographies, completing some research on a famous personality so as to write a short biography. Charlotte's Web is the focussed text for the end of this term

Autumn Term - Maths

After consolidating place value, children have learnt more refined methods of addition and subtraction, using both Base10 and place value counters to aid in the understanding of the shorter methods. Perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes was measured and then calculated using rulers, grids and then by using a formula. Children learnt more about multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Multiplication and division methods will also be refined, allowing children to use all four operations successfully. Square and cube numbers will follow work on factors and multiples. Passport skills remain a focus and the children have been practising every morning.

Autumn Term - Science

Children have learnt more about living things and their life cycles. The life cycles of mammals, amphibians, birds and insects were investigated and studied and comparisons were made between each of the animal types. Children were able to identify similarities and differences between the animals in terms of their life cycles and were able to discuss the different life cycles of plants too.

Earth and Space allowed the children to revise the planets in the solar system, identifying the four rocky planets and the four gas giants. After looking at the sizes and distances involved, children focussed on phases of the moon, day and night, different time zones and then studied how the orbit and tilt of the Earth causes seasons.

Autumn Term - Other Curriculum Areas


Children learnt more about locating places on maps using latitude and longitude. This developed into understanding 4 and 6 figure grid references.



after learning more about internet safety such as not sharing passwords or personal information, children learnt basic animation skills, using written posters, clay animation and toys to recreate the messages on e-safety for a Year 3 audience.


Design and Technology

Healthy eating and changing ingredients to a more healthy alternative saw the children learn more about beef farming and how the welfare of beef cattle is ensured. A recipe for Spaghetti Bolognese was adapted to make it more healthy after the children had tasted three different versions. Once their own recipes were finalised, the children had the opportunity to prepare and cook their healthier option which was taken home for a delicious meal.
