Year 2
Autumn Term- Literacy
We have been doing lots of reading in Year 2 this term. We are building our knowledge of sounds and this is helping us with our spelling. This half term we have been working hard to consolidate our understanding of what a sentence is. We used our previous Year 1 learning to help us to write question, statement and command sentences. We also wrote sentences with the pronoun ‘I’ and learnt that every sentence always starts with a capital letter.
More recently we have really enjoyed sharing the text ‘The Last Wolf’ by Mini Grey. It is an interesting take on the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The main character Red discovers endangered animals living in a tree cave and tries to help them. We have made some super predictions about the text. We have also enjoyed learning about the black rhino as a critically endangered animal. We wrote some non-chronological reports about rhinos where we placed our information into appropriate sections and used subheadings like ‘Diet’ and ‘Habitat’ to organise our facts. We used our area of trees outside to replicate woodland scenes from the book. We considered our outdoor sensory experiences to help us create poems.
Autumn Term- Maths
We have been working hard to develop our knowledge of place value and have completed many challenges to help us gain a better understanding of tens and ones as place holders in 2-digit numbers. We have used part-whole models, place value charts and pictorial representations to help us develop this fundamental mathematical knowledge.
The concrete resources ‘Base 10’ and 'Numicon' have been used frequently to help us partition numbers and solve problems. We have been comparing numbers using ‘more than’, ’less than’ and ‘equal to’ symbols.
We have also worked hard on addition and subtraction. We have used part-whole models to make fact families. We have also used number lines to help us solve subtraction calculations and we have been adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from a number.
As well as addition and subtraction, Year 2 have been working on our knowledge of number facts by working on ‘Number Sense’. We are starting to use our these number facts when we are solving calculations. Also, children have been working hard at school and at home on their Maths passport, containing mental maths targets.
Autumn Term- Science
Year 2 have been developing their understanding of ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ and have loved learning about different categories of animals and the basic needs of all animals. We have explored and compared the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. We have identified that most living things live in habitats which suit their needs. We were able to explore some microhabitats within the school grounds and survey the minibeasts living within these habitats. We saw dragonflies, butterflies, beetles, spiders, ants and lots of woodlice. During one of our lessons, we created a poster all about looking after our planet and we considered how habitats can become damaged by humans, making it more difficult for animals to thrive. We also learnt about food chains and that animals depend on each other as well as plant life to survive.
Autumn Term- History
We have learnt a lot about important people and places in Guernsey. We discovered the history of Castle Cornet. We learnt that it was first built in 1204 as a fortification to protect Guernsey from French attack. Henry VIII ordered the castle to be repaired and strengthened and said that more cannons were needed.
Did you know, the bridge linking it to Guernsey was only built 100 years ago?
We visited Castle Cornet in October and enjoyed a super tour of the fortifications as well as a classroom session within the castle, learning about Tudor artefacts. We are very grateful for the parent helpers who came with us on our trip. We had a wonderful time!
Autumn Term- Design Technology
We had so much fun making a chair for Baby Bear. We investigated the stability of shapes. We made cylinders, pyramids, cuboids and spheres out of plasticine. We tested their stability by placing them on a board. We tilted the board to see when they would topple or roll over. After that, we investigated the strength of cylinders. We cut some cardboard tubes, then piled up books on top of them. We discovered that cylinder shapes can be quite strong. Using this learning about stability and strength, we made our chairs for Baby Bear. We had to collaborate successfully and everyone had important jobs to do. We were very pleased with our final products!