Year 1
South Africa - Block 3
This half-term we are focusing our learning around South Africa. Mrs Lillington is from South Africa so has been able to share lots of information with us.
We took an imaginary place ride to South Africa and explored some of the things we might see! We have been comparing Guernsey to South Africa in Geography and talked about how it can be hard for some people to find clean water to drink because they don't have veyr much rain.
Mr de Carteret, who works at Guernsey Water, came in to talk to us about how water is collected in Guernsey and how it is made clean for us to drink. We had lots of fun experimenting trying to filter water!
Toys - Block 2
Year 1 have loved focusing their learning around toys this half-term. They have had the opportunity to look at toys from the past and look at how they have changed over time.
We were lucky enough to have a visit from our school librarian Catherine Stuart. Catherine taught us how we can find out about toys from the past by talking to older people, looking on the internet using the online encyclopedia 'DK Find out' and in books. We also got to look at some real life toys from the past!
Next we took a trip to Candie Museum. We had the chance to look at some very old Victorian toys and compared them to the toys we play with today. We noticed that the materials they were made of were very different to toys of today. The Victorian toys were made from wood and some of the more expensive ones were made from metal. We also had the opportunity to explore and play with some toys from the 1970s in the 1970s Toy Shop exhibition!
This is Me!
Year 1 have had a wonderful start to the year! They have loved exploring their new classrooms and learning areas during independent learning time.
They have also embraced their first topic ‘This is Me!’ They started the topic by bringing in pictures of their families then drawing and labeling themselves and their families in Literacy. They have been learning all about their bodies and their senses in Science.