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Listen & Communicate

Year 4

Autumn Term Literacy

To begin our year, we have been learning all about fables in our literacy lessons. A fable is a story that has a moral, or a lesson, you can learn from it. We enjoyed some well known fables such as 'The Hare and the Tortoise', 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' and 'The Scorpion and the Frog'. We decided we wanted to write our own fables.


We used 'The Hare and the Tortoise' as a starting point, and wrote a story about a nasty, boastful character challenging a slow but wise character to a race. We had great fun retelling this classic fable with our own modern twist.

Autumn Term Maths


Our focus in our numeracy lessons has been on understanding the value of numbers. We spent a few weeks revisiting our place value skills, reinforcing our knowledge of the number system and what each digit in a number represents. To help us do this we used place value counters, place value grids, base 10, Numicon, beads, counters and so much more.


We have also learnt the column method for addition and subtraction and even how to borrow and exchange. 

Autumn Term Science


We have loved learning about life on Earth in our first science topic of the year - 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. We learnt the difference between an invertebrate and a vertebrate and studied the various classes of each.


We also investigated plants and how the different ways in which they reproduce.


Finally, we learnt the importance of caring for the habitats of living things on our planet and what we can do to help prevent climate change. 

Autumn Term Other


What a busy half term it has been! Here are just a few of the other amazing things we have done so far this year:



With the help of the Guernsey Sports Commission, we have enjoyed learning about control and discipline during our games lesson whilst playing football. In our Indoor P.E. lessons we have been learning to dance.



We have continued to learn how to be kind, how to treat others with respect and how to take care of ourselves, both body and mind, in our P.S.H.E. lessons. 



In Geography we have been learning about people's access to water around the world. Not everyone has access to safe, clean drinking water like we do and we learnt why some countries struggle. We also learnt about some of the amazing work people are doing to help provide water to everyone as this is a basic human right. 


Cultural Enrichment

We were lucky enough to have a session with the School's Library Service where they gave us our very own Britannica Encyclopedias to keep! These are amazing books and we have loved using them to learn amazing facts. 



In our R.E. lessons we have been learning about the signs and symbols of different religions from across the world. 
