
La Mare de Carteret Primary School Enjoy, Learn, Succeed

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Listen & Communicate


Spring Term - Literacy

This term the children will be consolidating their knowledge of all the letters of the alphabet.  We will be working on correct pencil grip and correct formation of all the lower case letters.  We will start to introduce digraphs (ie 2 letters that come together to make one sound, such as 'ai') as we move on to Phases 3 and 4 of our Letters and Sounds programme.  We expect the children to start to use their phonic knowledge to help them to read and write more independently.  We will also be learning to read and spell more 'tricky' words.  We will share lots of traditional tales (such as 'The Gingerbread Man' and 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears) to help develop our own story telling and writing. 

Spring Term - Numeracy

This term we will be working on counting and comparing numbers, combining groups of objects to find a total, learning number bonds (to 5, then up to 10).  The children will learn about 2D and 3D shapes as they make pictures and models.  

Spring Term - Understanding the World

The children will learn more about growing this term.  As the weather warms up, we will start planting seeds, ready to plant out in the school garden.  We will learn about the traditions of Pancake Day and Easter (with some cooking and tasting).

Spring Term
